* Wellbeing Dogs spreads the word about how dogs & Owners need choice and control in their life to have Wellbeing. We train dogs with 100% positive methods using verbal and visual cues to enable the dog to choose to do a behaviour and be rewarded with praise and a treat. We believe that dogs have a mission to improve your wellbeing by learning to stay calm in challenging situations. We do this by learning the canine language of calming signals, doing 'Click to Calm' and the comforting 'touch procedure'.

* Liz Maitland, KCAI (AD) is a Kennel Club Accredited Instructor and has experience in training Assistance Dogs since 2009 to improve Wellbeing of the Owner and the dog. She worked 2004-2021 for the Charity RECOVERY Assistance Dogs as Executive Director and Senior Dog Trainer. Training Dogs as Assistance Dogs to help people recover from Mental Health problems.
Wellbeing Dogs is a Kennel Club Listed Status Organisation. This means we can do Puppy Foundation, Bronze, Silver & Gold Good Citizen Awards to improve your dogs' behaviour as a Companion Dog or an Assistance Dog.
She has completed an Advanced Instructors Course at APTD (Association of Pet Dog Trainers) in 2017 and has a Level 3 OCN Certificate in Dog Training and Behaviour with IMDT (Institute of Modern Dog Trainers). In 2018 she passed her Assessment as a KCAI specialising in Assistance Dogs. She has 13 years experience in training dogs professionally and can help you and your dog with:
* Training and socialising Puppies - mouthing or chewing, housetraining, jumping up.
* Helping adolescent dogs avoid anxiety with the 'Click to Calm' and touch procedure
* Helping dogs to stop being reactive to other dogs or people
* Training in the Calming Signals to understand how to make sure that your dog stops whining or barking.
* Stopping Jumping up.
* Separation anxiety.
* Impulse Control
* Stopping Resource Guarding
* General Obedience Training - loose-lead walking, a reliable recall & stay.
* Centering Therapy and Trust Process
* You can join in with Groups:
Puppy Foundation & Socialisation
Adolescents Avoiding Anxiety
Good Behaviour Award
Better Behaviour Award
Best Behaviour Award
Assistance Dog Training for Physical & Mental Health
* One to One Sessions are available.