Training & Socialising Your New Puppy
We have a Training Group Session every Tuesday at 5pm online for an hour for Puppies aged 3months - 6 months. We demonstrate how the dogs can help with stability by creating a peaceful and still atmosphere, reminding the Owners to do quiet time or Centering Therapy, getting exercise out the house, improving/learning new behaviours and encouraging the relationship between you and your dog to grow. Wellbeing Puppies learn positive behaviour:
*Responsibility and Care *Cleanliness and Identification* Attentive Response to Name
*Play With The Puppy *Socialisation *Handling and Inspection *Puppy Recall
*Basic Puppy Positions *Walking in a Controlled Manner *Stay for Approximately Ten Seconds
*Take Article Away from the Puppy *Food Manners *Walking on & Pointing *Clicker Training
*Using the lure *Centering Therapy *The Touch Procedure (for anxiety)
As well as stopping:
*Jumping up *mouthing *Chewing furniture *Toileting Problems
This is a course of 5 Sessions that costs £70. At the end of it you & your Puppy will get a Certificate and a mini-video of your puppy's new behaviours.
Click here to join and pay for this course. Next course is being held online for a maximum of 5 puppies. We will also be arranging two Socialisation Sessions in the park to meet Face-to-Face.
Also we have an Adolescent Training Group for ages 6 months - 3 years. This is a 5 week Course on Tuesdays at 6pm on Zoom. This is about avoiding adolescent anxiety as this is the main cause for barking, biting, jumping up and other adolescent behaviours and we train in:
*Impulse Control
*Calming Signals
*Centering Therapy & Trust Technique
*Stopping Resource Guarding
Click here to join and pay for this course. Next course is starting Monday, 10 January it is being held online for a maximum of 5 Adolescent Dogs. We will also be arranging two Socialisation Sessions in the park to meet Face-to-Face.
Wellbeing Dogs would be happy to help you train your dog as a companion pet dog or Owner/Trained Assistance Dog using only Positive Training methods to improve you and your dog's Wellbeing.
Week 1 - Comforting an anxious person & dog.
In this Session we learn about:
* the 'calming signals' and how dogs communicate with us letting us know when they need some extra comfort.
*How we can comfort ourselves by training the dog to come and touch us when we are upset or anxious
We will Practice:
* looking at the calming signals your dog is communicating to you.
* Using Click to Calm to help your dog feel calm in challenging situations
*Working through the 3 calming stages to help you feel stable, have a still mind and be focused on this moment in time with the help of Centering Therapy.
Week 2 - Improving Impulse control & Focus using visual cues
In this Session we learn about:
* How a person & dog can feel traumatised when they do not have enough choice and control in their life. Also how Dog training is a Therapy for Wellbeing and can help with recovery.
*The difference between making a dog do something and asking it nicely. (pushing a dog into a sit or teaching it a cue). How we can learn from dogs.
*How visual and verbal cues are necessary to help a dog understand what behaviour you want it to do. How we can get a sense of being in charge and the joy in this while dog training.
We will practice:
*swopping a favourite toy with a treat (letting the dog choose to let you have the toy).
*putting on a harness or a coat (with each movement praising and rewarding).
*Some basic behaviours (sit, stand, lie down) using both verbal and visual cues.
* Using the cue leave - making a temptation tunnel.
Week 3 - Learn some PAWT (Public Access Wellbeing Test) Obedience Skills
In this Session we learn about:
*We need to learn some training techniques that will help us to comfort & calm the dog when it is at finding a situation challenging.
* Learning some skills for the dog to focus and be centred on its handler
*Learning when you need to and how you can calm the dog down.
We will practice:
*A two minute stay. Also with a person stroking the dog, with food being dropped and with a trolley coming past.
*Walking on a looselead and dropping the lead, picking the lead up and continuing.
*Sit, lie down and stand so that it is consistent and after one verbal cue or signal.
*Not walking up to other people or dogs unless allowed to.
Week 4 - Looselead Walking is brilliant for our Wellbeing
In this Session we learn about:
*The joys and benefit to our and the dog's wellbeing when the dog is walking on a looselead.
*The psychology behind dogs pulling. How we need to get the "I won't pull you if you don't pull me" feeling.
We will practice:
*walking without a lead in the house.
*walking with a lead in the house or garden (using a treat or toy or a cuddle as a lure).
*Going to the park and walking close to you without a lead (then with a lead)
Week 5 - A Really Reliable Recall & Relationship
In this Session we learn about:
*How important a recall is for the dog and for you.
*How closely a good recall is linked to a good relationship between you and your dog. Let's look at improving that relationship so that you are even more attractive than a squirrel or a rook.
We will practice:
*Recall in an enclosed space.
*Recall on a long-lead.
*Recall with distractions.
*The Bucket Game.
We can train your Puppy aged 3months - 12months in private weekly sessions. We demonstrate how the dogs can help the person be centred and stable by creating a peaceful and still atmosphere, reminding the Owners to do quiet time or Centering Therapy, getting exercise out the house, improving/learning new behaviours and encouraging the relationship between you and your dog to grow. Wellbeing Puppies learn positive behaviour:
*Responsibility and Care *Cleanliness and Identification* Attentive Response to Name
*Play With The Puppy *Socialisation *Handling and Inspection *Puppy Recall
*Basic Puppy Positions *Walking in a Controlled Manner *Stay for Approximately Ten Seconds
*Take Article Away from the Puppy *Food Manners *Walking on & Pointing *Clicker Training
*Using the lure *Centering Therapy *The Touch Procedure (for anxiety)
As well as stopping:
*Jumping up *mouthing *Chewing furniture *Toileting Problems
This is a course of 5 Sessions that costs a total of £300 (£60 a Session) at the end of it you & your Puppy will get a Certificate and a mini-video of your puppy's new behaviours. If you would prefer you can have 1 Session for £70 focussing on any 3-4 behaviours your puppy is struggling with.
Click here to join and pay for this 5 Week course
Click here to join and pay for 1-4 hourly Sessions
Week 1 - Comforting An Anxious Dog.
Week 2 - Stopping Resource Guarding
Week 3 - Protecting Yourself From Mouthing Or Even A Bite.
Week 4 - Looselead Walking
Week 5 - A Really Reliable Recall
Bonus 1: Stopping Separation Anxiety
Bonus 2: Training Your Dog Not To Jump Up
We can help your adolescent dog to learn to stop being anxious and growling or barking with the:
When your pup starts to growl or get upset you will be trained to reach for your clicker and click when:
Stage 1.*Recognise — Click when your dog draws breath or is silent. He will start to look at and become comfortable with the unknown presence. Watch them and then move onto Stage 2.
Stage 2.*Redirect - Dog starts to look at the problem and then back at you voluntarily. CLICK & TREAT when he looks at you.
Stage 3.*Replace - put in the touch/massage this is a comforting behaviour that will stop the growling/barking altogether. Click & treat when he touches your outstretched hand.
You will find that your dog can be a lot more joy and comfort to you when he/she learns some new behaviours. Dog training is a therapy for your wellbeing too when it is positive and force free. It will improve both of your ability to have choice and control in your life. You will learn cues (both verbal & visual) that will teach your dog:
*A come every-time recall
*to stay calm at home with visitors (no jumping up, barking, whining)
*to walk beautifully on a loose-lead
*focus on you
*to leave objects without resource guarding
We will do this with Cues>Praise>Treats.
Also we can improve your mutt's manners:
*Simple house rules to encourage manners naturally
*Some essential skills outside of traditional commands that will come in handy in all areas of life
*What really is socialisation and how to do it correctly
*Teaching your dog to choose to focus on you around distractions
*How to teach the loose lead walk
*How to reward your dog if he/she won't work for food
I am a Kennel Club Accredited Instructor and believe allowing our dogs to have choice and control, learning to behave with a cue/praise/treat system and using only positive methods to train them is closely linked to their and our Wellbeing.
Click Here to pay for a one hour Private Session for £70.
Click Here to pay for a 5 Session Private Course for £300.
